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Automate Power BI Report/Dashboard Deployments

I have always done manual report publishing to PBI work-space and it has worked well. Let's me have better control over;

  • Publishing
  • Dashboarding
  • Collaborating
  • Securing

I have started a new piece of work and requirements are to have all the above or if not at least publish the reports using automated scripts.

I have googled and I haven't found anything that purely talks about automating using, say Powershell or any other method barring C#.

We have plans to use Powershell scripts to deploy Azure modules and was looking for something similar for PBI as well.

Would appreciate pointers to any script that I can customize and use or a tutorial that explains this process.


您可以使用PowerBI服务来自动化所有这些,这是Microsoft推荐的推荐方式,如https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Desktop/Automation-for-Power-BI-Desktop/所示。 td-p / 332560 ,也可以通过dubravcik使用此python脚本: https : //github.com/dubravcik/pbixrefresher-python

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