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phpcs: Missing parameter comment

I have the following code:

 * @param TranscodingJob $transcodingJob
 * @return TranscodingJob
 * @throws \Lexik\Bundle\WorkflowBundle\Exception\WorkflowException
public function onTranscodingJobError(TranscodingJob $transcodingJob) { ...

... and I find that when I hover over the annotation, this note appears:

phpcs: Missing parameter comment

How can I modify my annotations to make the complaint go away?

(I have tried simply adding text above the annotation for the parameter, and that doesn't seem to fix it.)

You need to add comment for your @param variable

Change your code as

 * @param TranscodingJob $transcodingJob comment about this variable
 * @return TranscodingJob
 * @throws \Lexik\Bundle\WorkflowBundle\Exception\WorkflowException

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