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php.ini file in AWS cloud9

I am trying to edit my php.ini file in cloud9. I tried uploaded another php.ini file into the root folder but it isn't reading it. I also tried to access the file from the command line but it looks like Amazon is blocking it. Any ideas?

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Probably you can't edit because chmods. If you didn't set chmod, login as root then run chmod -R 777 php.ini
And did you restart apache after upload new php.ini? If you didn't, restart apache. ( systemctl restart apache2 for debian)
If you have multiple php versions, be sure that you edit the right one.

Apache is not configure to use the php.ini file located at the root of your workspace. The file is located at /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini .

My favorite option is to create a symbolic link. have a look at this page, step by step guide to configure the php.ini file: How to configure php.ini on AWS EC2 Cloud9?

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