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mdbreact error - Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components)

I am trying to implement the react-multistep registration using mdb react but I am getting the error:

Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.

I tried in different ways to resolve this issue using Github and Stack Overflow but I can't find the problem in my code.

Here is my code:

 import React,{Component} from 'react' import {Container,Step,Row,Col,Stepper,Input,Button} from 'mdbreact' class Main extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { formActivePanel2: 1, formActivePanel2Changed: false, } } swapFormActive = (a) => (param) => (e) => { this.setState({ ['formActivePanel' + a]: param, ['formActivePanel' + a + 'Changed']: true }); } handleNextPrevClick = (a) => (param) => (e) => { this.setState({ ['formActivePanel' + a] : param, ['formActivePanel' + a + 'Changed']: true }); } handleSubmission = () => { alert('Form submitted!'); } calculateAutofocus = (a) => { if (this.state['formActivePanel'+a+'Changed']) { return true } } render() { return( <Container> <Row className="pt-5 justify-content-center"> <Col md="2" className="pl-5 pl-md-0 pb-5"> <Stepper icon vertical> <Step icon="folder-open-o" stepName="Basic Information" onClick={this.swapFormActive(2)(1)} vertical></Step> <Step icon="pencil" stepName="Personal Data" onClick={this.swapFormActive(2)(2)} vertical></Step> <Step icon="photo" stepName="Terms and Conditions" onClick={this.swapFormActive(2)(3)} vertical></Step> <Step icon="check" stepName="Finish" onClick={this.swapFormActive(2)(4)} vertical></Step> </Stepper> </Col> <Col md="7"> { this.state.formActivePanel2 == 1 && (<Col md="12"> <h3 className="font-weight-bold pl-0 my-4"> <strong>Basic Information</strong></h3> <Input label="Email" className="mt-4" autoFocus={this.calculateAutofocus(2)}/> <Input label="Username" className="mt-4"/> <Input label="Password" className="mt-4"/> <Input label="Repeat Password" className="mt-4"/> <Button color="mdb-color" rounded className="float-right" onClick={this.handleNextPrevClick(2)(2)}>next</Button> </Col>)} { this.state.formActivePanel2 == 2 && (<Col md="12"> <h3 className="font-weight-bold pl-0 my-4"><strong>Personal Data</strong></h3> <Input label="First Name" className="mt-3" autoFocus={this.calculateAutofocus(2)}/> <Input label="Second Name" className="mt-3"/> <Input label="Surname" className="mt-3"/> <Input label="Address" type="textarea" rows="2"/> <Button color="mdb-color" rounded className="float-left" onClick={this.handleNextPrevClick(2)(1)}>previous</Button> <Button color="mdb-color" rounded className="float-right" onClick={this.handleNextPrevClick(2)(3)}>next</Button> </Col>)} { this.state.formActivePanel2 == 3 && (<Col md="12"> <h3 className="font-weight-bold pl-0 my-4"><strong>Terms and conditions</strong></h3> <Input label="I agreee to the terms and conditions" type="checkbox" id="checkbox3" autoFocus={this.calculateAutofocus(2)} /> <Input label="I want to receive newsletter" type="checkbox" id="checkbox4" /> <Button color="mdb-color" rounded className="float-left" onClick={this.handleNextPrevClick(2)(2)}>previous</Button> <Button color="mdb-color" rounded className="float-right" onClick={this.handleNextPrevClick(2)(4)}>next</Button> </Col>)} { this.state.formActivePanel2 == 4 && (<Col md="12"> <h3 className="font-weight-bold pl-0 my-4"><strong>Finish</strong></h3> <h2 className="text-center font-weight-bold my-4">Registration completed!</h2> <Button color="mdb-color" rounded className="float-left" onClick={this.handleNextPrevClick(2)(3)}>previous</Button> <Button color="success" rounded className="float-right" onClick={this.handleSubmission}>submit</Button> </Col>)} </Col> </Row> </Container> ) } } export default Main

You are exporting the component Main as default and in the component where you are using this Main component, you are importing it as import {Main} from path/Main.js .So, just change it to import Main from path/Main.js .


swapFormActive = (a,param,e) => {
          ['formActivePanel' + a]: param,
          ['formActivePanel' + a + 'Changed']: true

    handleNextPrevClick = (a,param,e) => {
          ['formActivePanel' + a] : param,
          ['formActivePanel' + a + 'Changed']: true

   <Step icon="check" stepName="Finish" onClick={(e)=>this.swapFormActive(2,4,e)} vertical></Step>
 <Button color="mdb-color" rounded className="float-right" onClick={(e)=>this.handleNextPrevClick(2,2,e)}>next</Button>

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