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Power BI - Measure where all filters but one persist / ignore filter by a certain column

I'm still learning Power BI, so I'm going to use this as a learning opportunity. I'm sure the answer may exist on the web, but I can't seem to find a succinct answer.

I have a table called HW

PCNames          Site         ...
Computer1        Site A       ... has software x installed
Computer2        Site B       ... 
Computer3        Site A       ... does not have software x installed.

The idea behind this report is to allow managers to review a count of how many machines within their site use each specific piece of software that we support.

The report contains a table with all supported softwares. We'd like for the report to filter the count of machines by the softwares selected in the table. However, we'd like to maintain a total count of assets from that site, regardless of software installed or not.

The problem summary is that I'd like to maintain a total count of machines that remains filterable by all columns, except the current software selection from the table.

Using my example above, in the case of software x being selected on the visual table with Site A selected in a slicer, I'd like for two metrics to display: Total Assets: 2 (Two total machines from Site A) Total Assets with software x: 1 (1 machine from Site A with Software X)

I currently have the following broken code:

Total Asset Count = Calculate(DistinctCount('HW'[PCName]),Filter(All('HW'), 
****keep all filters, except by software**** ))

How can I accomplish this without explicitly defining parameters for each possible filter?


Total Asset Count = Calculate(DistinctCount('HW'[PCName]),ALL(HW[Software]))

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