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Can we migrate TFS 2015 update 2 collection to TFS 2017 update 3.1

I have a collection from TFS 2015 update 2 from SQL 2014 Enterprise Edition . I wanted to migrate this collection to TFS 2017 update 3.1 and SQL 2016 Enterprise Edition .

So I stopped my collection from TFS 2015 and detached and took the backup of the DB. I was able to restored the collection to SQL 2016 . But when I tried to attach the collection, I got an error TF254078: No attachable databases were found...

I do have sys admin from both TFS server and SQL 2016 server.

I also did check the properties and I see as below

Tfs_Configuration's properties:

•TFS 2017 Update 3.1 
•TFS_PRODUCT_VERSION = 15.17.27414.0

Tfs_defaultCollection which is from TFS 2015 update 2 properties:

•TFS_PRODUCT_VERSION = 14.95.25122.0

Could you please advise what I am missing here that caused the error above?

Appreciate any help I can get!


在停止并从TFS 2015分离集合之后,我能够将TFS 2015集合附加到TFS2017。我不确定为什么这次可以工作,因为我上次做了这些步骤但是没用。

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