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How to render conditional form in reactJS?

Conditionally, when having in imported array attribute called ' entry ', I want to render form ' write ', but ' write ' is not displayed in the browser (no errors in console). Should I use child component for this, or maybe you have ideas for other approaches?

The code:

render() {
        var replyList = questions.map(reply => {
            return (
                reply.feedback.map(singleReply => {
                    return (
        var write = (evt) => {
            //argument dla input
            var toWrite = questions[this.state.currentDialog].entry;
            //jeśli jest entry'
            if (questions[this.state.currentDialog].entry)
                return (
                    <form onSubmit={this.onInputSubmit}>
                        <label value={toWrite.label} />
                        <input type='submit' />
        return (
            //questions - pytanie, replyList - lista odpowiedzi
            <div className="App">
                <br /><br />

                <br /><br />


Piece of my array:

        id: uuid.v4(),
        question: 'dialog1',
        feedback: [
            { button: 'reply1-1', goto: 1, id: uuid.v4() },
            { button: 'reply1-2', goto: 2, id: uuid.v4() },
            { button: 'reply1-3', goto: 3, id: uuid.v4() },
            { button: 'reply1-4', goto: 4, id: uuid.v4() }
        entry: { label: 'input1-1', name: 'input1', value: '1', id: uuid.v4() }

Inorder to display the write you need to call it as

  return (
            <div className="App">
                <br /><br />

                <br /><br />

this is not required since the write is defined inside the render method.You should also keep in mind the problem with putting functions inside render method.

A function in the render method will be created each render which is a slight performance hit. It's also messy if you put them in the render, which is a much bigger reason, you shouldn't have to scroll through code in render to see the html output. Always put them on the class instead.

write is part of the local scope for render, no need to call this.write . simply call write . More on this you have to call the function as well: write()

To add to this, not really part of the question but you will get an error. Every component has to return a 'component-like' value. If the condition is not fulfilled the write function will return undefined which will throw an error. Returning null will not throw an error as it's 'component-like'

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