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Can not use BindingAdapter in Kotlin

I used to create DataBindingAdapter for creating custom xml attributes in data binding.

object DataBindingAdapter {
    fun setImageByRes(imageView: ImageView, @DrawableRes resId: Int) {

It was working well in Java . But not working in kotlin .

As I understand object in kotlin are similer to static method of Java. But its not working in data binding.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Required DataBindingComponent is null in class FragmentBottomBarBinding. A BindingAdapter in acr.browser.lightning.utils.DataBindingAdapter is not static and requires an object to use, retrieved from the DataBindingComponent. If you don't use an inflation method taking a DataBindingComponent, use DataBindingUtil.setDefaultComponent or make all BindingAdapter methods static.

Just add the @Jvmstatic annotation on setImageByRes method.

object DataBindingAdapter {
    fun setImageByRes(imageView: ImageView, @DrawableRes resId: Int) {

as per the @Jvmstatic doc

Specifies that an additional static method needs to be generated from this element if it's a function. If this element is a property, additional static getter/setter methods should be generated.

In short method declared in one place and used from multiple languages of JVM. If you're calling a method from Java, then you should declare it as @JvmStatic, because adding the @JvmStatic annotation in one place will allow you to leave out multiple .Companion references in multiple places.

No. Object in kotlin is same like singleton. I think u dont need put it in Object. Just make new file lets say BindingAdapters.kt and u dont need write any class or object keywords.

It should look like this. Nothing else. If u need more functions just add it below this one. Again no class keyword or brackets are needed. It will be global function. Maybe u should also use ContextCompat for getting resource properly with context from imageView . And i would rather name it differently than android:src . What about imageResBinder

fun setImageByRes(imageView: ImageView, @DrawableRes resId: Int) {

and after that in your .xml file

    app:imageResBinder="@{viewModel.getImageRes()}" />

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