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how to set the data-value to div under div?

I added this but gives error


I want to get and set the numerical value but it gives undefined $('#List').find('.plan').dataset.value = 10;

Thank you!

使用.attr设置data-value属性data-value ,该属性将设置所有.plan的值

$('#List').find('.plan').attr("data-value", "10");

You are trying to access an DOM property on a jQuery COLLECTION.

To access the element when using dataset you need [0] as in

$('#List').find('.plan')[0].dataset.value = amt;

if you do not want to use .data("value",amt) or .attr("data-value",amt) which will set the amt on ANY .plan found.

Alternative you can use this :

$('#List').find('.plan').each(function() {
  this.dataset.value = amt; 


 var amt = 10; // $('#List').find('.plan').dataset.value = amt; // does not work $('#List').find('.plan')[1].dataset.value = amt; // ONLY on second element console.log($("#List").html()) $('#List').find('.plan').attr("data-value", amt); // on ALL elements found console.log($("#List").html()) $('#List').find('.plan').each(function() { // loop over elements this.dataset.value = 20; }) console.log($("#List").html()) 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <ul id="List"> <li class="notPlan">Not a plan</li> <li class="plan">Plan 0</li> <li class="notPlan">Not a plan</li> <li class="plan">Plan 1</li> </ul> 

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