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Docker Windows container crashes with Azure Service Fabric

I am trying to run a Docker image inside a Service Fabric cluster. This image runs fine on my local machine. However, when I deploy it to either my local cluster or a cluster on Azure Service Fabric, it starts to crash.

I tried running the docker ps command on the machine. It shows a container image running, but after 5s when I run the command again, it shows an empty list.

My application is built using ASP.NET Core 2.0.7 and my container image is microsoft/aspnetcore:2.0.7-nanoserver-1709

I am using the below OS for my cluster:

Offer: WindowsServerSemiAnnual SKU:

I see the below error:

Error event: SourceId='System.Hosting',
There was an error during CodePackage activation.System.Fabric.FabricException (-2147017731)
Failed to start Container.
ContainerName=sf-2-4e0c854d-d2d9-458a-82c5-78da874dc520_6fd774de-4796-4563-ab3f-c3bbb4d49e0c, ApplicationId=ServiceFabricApplicationType_App2, ApplicationName=fabric:/ServiceFabricApplication. DockerRequest returned StatusCode=InternalServerError with ResponseBody={"message":"container fb204978704c52917704f1f6985ec9a73c9e76596e7258ff0ffce93c9c5109e0 encountered an error during CreateContainer: failure in a Windows system call

It's very likely that you're running into this because of a mismatch between the version of Windows inside the image vs the version on the host. Check out the compatibility list here . (It specifically mentions your error message.)

To resolve this, you could:

Rebuild the container based on the version of microsoft/nanoserver or microsoft/windowsservercore

If the host is newer, use docker run --isolation=hyperv ... Run on a different host with the same Windows version

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