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Output / render template in multiple places, separate from ngIf condition

Say in an Angular template I want to choose the location to render an embedded view ( <ng-template> ) based on some condition.

<ng-template #foo>
  Hello World.

<p *ngIf="isBar; else baz">
  Bar:  <!-- Want to insert #foo here, sometimes -->
<div #baz>
  Baz:  <!-- Want to insert #foo over here instead, other times -->

I've used the else part of an *ngIf to insert a template defined elsewhere. I could write *ngIf="false; else #foo" to render the embedded view template, but I feel that shouldn't be necessary.

<p *ngIf="isBar; else baz">
  Bar:  <ng-container *ngIf="false; else foo"></ng-container>
<div #baz>
  Baz:  <ng-container *ngIf="false; else foo"></ng-container>

You're looking for NgTemplateOutput which "Inserts an embedded view from a prepared TemplateRef ."


<ng-template #foo>
  Hello World.

<p *ngIf="isBar; else baz">
  Bar:  <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="foo"></ng-container>
<div #baz>
  Baz:  <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="foo"></ng-container>

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