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Symfony Ajax Request error 500

Hi everyone I come to you because I have a little problem with my ajax script I share my code and tell me if there is a problem thanks for advances, if you have any solution I thank you, the error made This is:

Argument 1 passed to App \ Repository \ ProductRepository :: findBySearch () must be of the string type, object given, called in C: \ wamp64 \ www \ Shop \ src \ Controller \ FrontController.php on line 201

my controller :

     * @Route("/recherche/", name="search", methods="POST")
     * @param Request $request
     * @return Response
    public function search(Request $request): Response{

        $search = $this->createForm(SearchType::class);

        if($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {

           $value = $search['name'];
           $result = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Product::class)->findBySearch($value);

           return new JsonResponse($result);

        return $this->render('inc/search.html.twig', [
            'title' => 'Effectuer une recherche',
            'search' => $search->createView()


My repository in which the SQL query is performed :

     * @param $value
     * @return string
     * @throws \Exception
    public function findBySearch(string $value) {

        $bool = 1;
        $query = $this->createQueryBuilder('r')
            ->orwhere('r.name LIKE :chaine')
            ->orWhere('r.description LIKE :chaine')
            ->andWhere('r.isPublished = :bool')
            ->orderBy('r.createdAt', 'DESC')
            ->setParameter(':chaine', '%'.$value.'%')
            ->setParameter(':bool', $bool)

        try {
            return $query->getResult();
        catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new \Exception('Problème' . $e->getMessage());

this is my code that allows me to make ajax requests

<!-- Modal Search -->
<div class="modal-search-header flex-c-m trans-04 js-hide-modal-search">
    <div class="container-search-header">
        <button class="flex-c-m btn-hide-modal-search trans-04 js-hide-modal-search">
            <img src="images/icons/icon-close2.png" alt="CLOSE">
        <div id="resultat"></div>
         {{ form_start(search, {'method': 'POST', 'attr': {'class': 'wrap-search-header flex-w p-l-15', 'id': 'form'}}) }}
            <button class="flex-c-m trans-04">
                <i class="zmdi zmdi-search"></i>
            {{ form_widget(search.name) }}

        {{ form_end(search) }}




                data: $(this).serialize(),
                url:"{{ path('search') }}",
                success: function(data){
                    $.post( "{{ path('search') }}", function( data ) {
                        $( "#resultat" ).html( data );
                error: function(){
                    $("#search_name").html('Une erreur est survenue.');
            return false;


$value = $search['name'];


$value = $search->get('name')->getNormData();

Since $search is a FormInterface object, you won't get the submitted value just through $search['name'] . You could call $search->getData() to get the whole form data OR $search->get('YOUR_FIELD_NAME')->getNormData() to get an specific value

Also, consider to wrap it with

if($search->isSubmitted()) {

   if($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
     // ... 

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