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Wordpress JavaScript. Code works in script tag in footer, but not in a JS file

I'm playing around with JavaScript at the moment in Wordpress since it is where we develop at work. (I'm an intern).

I have a list of JavaScript code that works in the script tag in the footer, but when i make a JS file and include that in the functions.php file, it does not run.

I have tested with an alert and a console.log and the file is running as it should, it is just the code that i have from before that does not run.

My code is this:

const nav = document.querySelector('#main');
let topOfNav = nav.offsetTop;

function fixNav() {
    if (window.scrollY >= topOfNav) {
        document.body.style.paddingTop = nav.offsetHeight + 'px';
    } else {
        document.body.style.paddingTop = 0;

window.addEventListener('scroll', fixNav);

const slider = document.querySelector('.items');
let isDown = false;
let startX;
let scrollLeft;

slider.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {
    isDown = true;
    startX = e.pageX - slider.offsetLeft;
    scrollLeft = slider.scrollLeft;

slider.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
    isDown = false;

slider.addEventListener('mouseup', () => {
    isDown = false;

slider.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {
    if (!isDown) return;  // stop the fn from running
    const x = e.pageX - slider.offsetLeft;
    const walk = (x - startX) * 3;
    slider.scrollLeft = scrollLeft - walk;

And the code in functions.php is this:

`wp_enqueue_script('custom', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/custom.js')`;

The JS file is loading and running, it is just the code that only works in a script tag in footer, but not in a custom file.

Anyone that can guide me in the right direction. Not the answer, but just some hints so that i can try and learn for myself :)

Thanks alot.

You can do this

 // wp_enqueue_script('handle', 'src', 'deps', 'ver', 'in_footer'); ?>
 wp_register_script('custom_script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/custom.js', array('jquery'), '1.0.0', true);

call wp_footer(); function in their footer just above the closing </body> tag.

For you

    if (function_exists('load_scripts')) {  
        function load_scripts() {  
           wp_register_script('custom_script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/custom.js', array('jquery'), '1.0.0', true);
    add_action('init', 'load_scripts');  

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