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TinyMCE slider max and min value

I want to change the font with a slider in my editor, however I cannot set max-ariavalue. The slider works with the default tinyMCE editor manager.

                // Open window
                    title: 'font resize',
                    body: [
                        {type: 'slider', name: 'size', label: 'Size', value: 50, max: 200}
                    onsubmit: function(e) {
                        node = tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getNode();
                        execFontSize(e.data['size'], 'px', node);

The max doesn't seem to work. I also tried "aria-valuemax" etc. Is it possible to change it, our do I have to "hack it" with JS?

The attributes you need are minValue and maxValue (as opposed to min and max ).

For example:

    title: 'font resize', 
    body: [ 
         type: 'slider', 
         name: 'size', 
         label: 'Size', 
         value: 30, 
         minValue: 25, 
         maxValue: 50

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