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Python unittest does not run tests

I made a small project called demo, with a single test in it

import unittest

class Test(unittest.TestCase):

    def testName1(self):
        self.assertEqual(5+9, 14)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #import sys;sys.argv = ['', 'Test.testName']

However, from command line

ThinkPad-T520:~/workspacep/demo$ python -m unittest

Ran 0 tests in 0.000s


Why doesn't this work? In general, how can I run all unit tests from command line with a single line?

The structure of the directory is

          demo_test1.py  __init__.py

There are three gotcha's that I know of:

  1. Your tests in your TestCases need to be named test_*
  2. Your test files need to be named: test*.py (by default, you can change it with the -p flag when running the tests). eg test_demo1.py
  3. Your tests folder needs to have an __init__.py file in it, or else it won't be considered a valid location to import from.

So, for #1, you need to rename the test to test_name_1 . And for #2, there's two options:

A - Restructure your files like this:


Then run python -m unittest and it should find the test cases.

B - Just run it like: python -m unittest discover -p *test.py

I fought with the same exact problem a while ago and I solved it by using test discovery command.

python -m unittest discover -s.

You can pass in your test file pattern as well and a whole other options https://docs.python.org/2/library/unittest.html#test-discovery

You need to pass in a list of modules .

For example, if your test file is foo.py , then you can run python -m unittest foo .

For me (running tests from IntelliJ IDEA ) I had to remove the class' 'Run configuration' . Earlier on I had wrongly imported the unittest as _pytest.unittest and ran the test class. Of course that didn't work.

I corrected the module import, but the 'run configuration' was still there, causing it to run as a Python script and not as 'Python tests'.

I had a similar issue and figured out that I had to run python3 -m unittest instead as I had forgotten python defaults to Python 2 on my system

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