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Cannot read property 'compilation' of undefined

I`ve got uncaught error, after connecting sass-lint-webpack to webpack.config.dev.js from Create React App

Simply add this to webpack.config.dev.js :

const SassLintPlugin = require('sass-lint-webpack')

需要sass lint插件


new SassLintPlugin()

将sass lint插件连接到webpack配置文件

and then after run yarn start - I've got the error: "Cannot read property 'compilation' of undefined"

将sass lint插件添加到webpack配置文件后出现未捕获的错误

Any ideas how to resolve it?


npm install --save-dev uglifyjs-webpack-plugin@1

插件已过时,请改用https://github.com/swordray/sass-lint-webpack ,它是最新的webpack基础结构。

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