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Nuxt js Error Couldn't find a pages directory

I changed nuxt js folder structure is here. I am getting Error: Couldn't find a pages directory in D:\sample. Please create one under the project root how do I access pages

.nuxt, app, node_modules, server, .eslintrc, package, package-lock

Error: Couldn't find a pages directory in D:\sample. Please create one under the project root

You need to create a folder named pages in order to permit nuxt to generate the routes of your app !

More information here: Routing

If you want to change the structure of the folder check this Change Directory

nuxt.config.js module.exports = { srcDir: 'client/' }

your structure:

-| app/ ---| node_modules/ ---| client/ ------| pages/ ------| components/ ---| nuxt.config.js ---| package.json

Here is the solution. On this way you don't need fake copies to make server work properly. Create and pass args to the next constructor:

// Add path module
const path = require('path')

// Init the Next app with args: 
const app = next({ dir: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'yourwww'), dev })

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