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Using Javascript functions in a separate HTML file

I know it might seem like a dumb question but even with all the examples i have looked through i can not get it too work. I have the following code in my Javascript file


  // Google Maps Locaton 
    address: city
  }, function(err, response) {
    if (!err) {
      basicLocation = response.json.results[0].formatted_address;


function getBasicLocation() {   // Able to grab location from index.ejs file 
  return basicLocation;

in my HTML im trying to update text as the location changes. My html code looks like this


<script src="../server.js">
        <script> getBasicLocation() </script> Location

The way my files are set up in the directory is like

- app 
   - views 
     - index.ejs
   - server.js

How do i get the getBasicLocation() to talk to my index.ejs file so that it updates the text?

Below steps should work -

  1. Import server.js - You are doing this
  2. create HTML node where you want location eg div id="location"
  3. create script tag with below content

      let lc = getBasicLocation(); document.getElementById("location").innerHTML = lc; 

JQuery can further simplify your node selection code

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