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How to check if a named table exists or not in ETS Erlang/Elixir

I want to create a table in ets if it does not exists. How can I check if this named exists or not?

You can use :ets.whereis/1 . It will return :undefined if the named table does not exist:

iex(1)> :ets.new :foo, [:named_table]
iex(2)> :ets.whereis :foo
iex(3)> :ets.whereis :bar

If you're on an older version of Erlang, you can create a lookup function:

def lookup(server, name) do
  case :ets.lookup(server, name) do
    [{^name, pid}] -> {:ok, pid}
    [] -> :error

Information taken from: https://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/mix-otp/ets.html

Your best best is just to see if the table is in the list of all tables. A check as simple as this should be good:


This returns a simple boolean() that you can use in a case to base actions on.

This should do the trick:

 def create_table? do if Enum.member?(:ets.all(), :my_table) == false do:ets.new(:my_table, [:public, :named_table]) end end

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