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Nodejs kafka consumer infinite loop

I am running kafka_2.11-2.0.0 on ubuntu 16.04 machine. Created a topic and produced some messages to it from command line interface.


And started consumer from command line, it's consuming well.


But when I started nodejs consumer like below, it's infinitely iterating. Is there anything I was missing in my client code?

var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
Consumer = kafka.Consumer,
client = new kafka.Client(),
consumer = new Consumer(
        {topic: 'mytopic', partition: 0}
        autoCommit: true
consumer.on('message', function (message) {
consumer.on('error', function (err){

consumer.on('offsetOutOfRange', function (err){

Here is the output.

 { topic: 'mytopic', value: '', offset: 0, partition: 0, highWaterOffset: 3, key: '' } { topic: 'mytopic', value: 'message2', offset: 1, partition: 0, highWaterOffset: 3, key: null } { topic: 'mytopic', value: 'message3', offset: 2, partition: 0, highWaterOffset: 3, key: null } { topic: 'mytopic', value: '', offset: 0, partition: 0, highWaterOffset: 3, key: '' } { topic: 'mytopic', value: '', offset: 0, partition: 0, highWaterOffset: 3, key: '' } { topic: 'mytopic', value: 'message2', offset: 1, partition: 0, highWaterOffset: 3, key: null } { topic: 'mytopic', value: 'message3', offset: 2, partition: 0, highWaterOffset: 3, key: null } { topic: 'mytopic', value: '', offset: 0, partition: 0, highWaterOffset: 3, key: '' } { topic: 'mytopic', value: '', offset: 0, partition: 0, highWaterOffset: 3, key: '' } { topic: 'mytopic', value: 'message2', offset: 1, partition: 0, highWaterOffset: 3, key: null } { topic: 'mytopic', value: 'message3', offset: 2, partition: 0, highWaterOffset: 3, key: null } { topic: 'mytopic', value: '', offset: 0, partition: 0, highWaterOffset: 3, key: '' } 

Finally found that the issue with kafka new release 2.0.0. So I moved to previous version and it's working now.

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