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Netlify redirection doesnt update my path

Whenever I refresh a page on my deployed netlify site I'm being redirected (as planned) to the main page.

But the url path itself doesnt change.

Is it something I need to set in the .toml file or its something with my react routes?

I'm using:

  • <BrowserRouter/> of react-router-dom to be my router.
  • netlify.toml file


from = "/*"
to = "/index.html"
status = 200

The behavior you are seeing is documented to rewrite the path . This is the behavior you may want to see for history pushstate in a single page app using react on Netlify so no matter what url path is in the browser request, it will not give a 404 .

If you want to redirect your path you would use a valid 300 status code (301, 302 or 303) like so:

from = "/home"
to = "/"
status = 301

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