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Azure Resource Provider register

I have some problem. I am trying to register provider Microsoft.Web in my Microsoft Azure. I have a free trial. I tried first method using the main panel in my account( subscription->Resource Providers->. I found Microsoft.Web from the list and clicked register, waited 10 seconds ant then error occured:

The request timed out. Diagnostic information: timestamp '20180904T134521Z', subscription id '', tracking id '25a3c9a0-04dd-44d5-8fc8-1117820970d5', request correlation id '25a3c9a0-04dd-44d5-8fc8-1117820970d5'. (Code: ServerTimeout)

Then I tried to use Azure ClI. I logged in to my account. I typed command:

az provider register -n Microsoft.Web

It took like 10 minutes and then a long list of red errors showed up. It begins with this:

Error occurred in request., RetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='management.azure.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /subscriptions/9662cfad-f605-4262-aa76-c98891e4d88a/providers/Microsoft.Web/register?api-version=2018-05-01 (Caused by ResponseError('too many 503 error responses',))

Yes, We are currently experiencing an outage in South Central US https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/status/ 在此处输入图片说明

You will want to monitor the Azure Status Page for further updates.

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