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Hyperledger fabric : Invalid network configuration due to missing configuration data

I am a newbie to hyperledger fabric and blockchain . I am able to configure and run examples of hyperledger fabric till now but when i renamed 'Org1' in balance transfer to 'Hospital' and also added a new organisation 'Org3'. I am able to run the application, but while trying to register a user to 'Hospital', I am facing the below issue.


   "description":"Balance Transfer Network",

[2018-09-05 14:36:32.640] [ERROR] Helper - Failed to get registered user: Jim with error: Error: Invalid network configuration due to missing configuration data [2018-09-05 14:36:32.640] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - -- returned from registering the username Jim for organization Hospital [2018-09-05 14:36:32.640] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - Failed to register the username Jim for organization Hospital with::failed Error: Invalid network configuration due to missing configuration data

Have you replaced /keystore/key with newly generated keys after adding new Organizations? If not you need update path of the keys corresponding organizations. Whenever you generate a crypto config "key" value will change.

With error " Invalid network configuration due to missing configuration data " --> as i know from fabric-samples/balance-transfer project you need set config setting for client instant before you can call method loadFromConfig.

Here is some code you can find in file config.js in fabric-sample/balance-transer project

var hfc = require('fabric-client');

hfc.setConfigSetting('network-connection-profile-path',path.join(__dirname, 'artifacts' ,file));//file here is your network connection profile
hfc.setConfigSetting('Org1-connection-profile-path',path.join(__dirname, 'artifacts', 'org1.yaml'));
hfc.setConfigSetting('Org2-connection-profile-path',path.join(__dirname, 'artifacts', 'org2.yaml'));

In file helper.js you will see client call method loadFromConfig as below


I am also facing similar kind of issue, i am getting the following error message

{"success":false,"message":"failed Error: Common connection profile is missing this client's organization and mspid"}

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