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correlation and p-value by using cor.test function

This query is giving me finite observation error, kindly help me to solve this Currently I am trying the below code, I need to find correlation and p value between variable(genolocmean) and variable (genomean) present in genolocmerge data frame.

genoloccorr <- genolocmerge %>% group_by(br_field_id) %>% 

Have you tried using the map functions?

genoloccorr <- genolocmerge %>% group_by(br_field_id) %>% summarise(result=map2(genolocmean,genomean,~cor.test(.x,.y)))

This should return a data frame with a column for br_field_id and a list-column with the output of cor.test() . If you only need the p-value and correlation, you could modify the ~cor.test(.x,.y) by attaching an index to pull only what you need.

Without a working dataset I can't test if this code will actually work. If it doesn't please provide a sample dataset so that I can test different ideas.

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