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Getting component using PF('WidgetVar').show() is not working with IE

I have a p:dialog with a widget var, and a button that opens that dialog simply by saying PF(widgetvarval).show() works like a charm on Firefox and chrome but not on IE. it gives error that show() is undefined ..


<p:dialog modal="true" responsive="true"
    onHide=" window.close();" widgetVar="edit#{student.id}"
                                    onShow=" setTimeout(() => {
                this.showDialog = true;
            }, 0);">

and the button:

<p:commandButton update="@form" process="@this"
oncomplete="PF('edit#{student.id}').show();" event="onclick"


ERROR I get in IE:

Error: Unable to get property 'show' of undefined or null reference

is there anyway I can make it work on IE?

I am using like this, its works .

<p:commandButton value="Hi !" onclick="PF('dlg').show();"></p:commandButton>

<p:dialog widgetVar="dlg" modal="true" >
      <h:outputLabel value="Hello" />                   

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