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Testing ReCaptcha with Laravel Dusk

I've a small problem testing an invisible ReCaptcha on a form using Laravel Dusk. The package involved in this situation is Invisible Recaptcha by Albertcht

I've this method inside CreatesApplication.php file in /tests

protected function withoutRecaptcha() : void


This works quiet well for Features test, because I only need to hit APIs and I can ignore the g-recaptcha-response input from the post request.

But if I want to test the form itself, using a browser test system like Laravel Dusk, of course this is not enough.

My current Dusk method is the following.

 public function a_guest_can_fill_the_registration_form()

     $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
            ->visit(new Register())

Straightforward stuff here, I call the register form, fill the data, submit it and check if an alert is in sight. Currently this doesn't work and I get this error:

There was 1 failure:

1) Tests\Browser\RegisterTest::a_guest_can_fill_the_registration_form
Element [body input[name=g-recaptcha-response]] is not present.
Failed asserting that false is true.


So the problem is clear: During the test the ReCaptcha input is not rendered thus it's impossible to hit it or even fake it

Is there a way to render of fake the ReCaptcha in order to make it works with Laravel Dusk?

Thank you

reCaptcha usually within iframe. Dusk cannot recognize element inside iframe. However you can use method ->withinFrame('selector', function ($browser) {}); and assert the value inside withinFrame closure.

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