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How to make MainPage.xaml.cs talk to MainActivity.cs using interface

I'm trying to do these classes share some data, I read that the right way to do that is through an interface but MainPage.xaml.cs doesn't recognizes the "link". What I need to add in MainPage.xaml.cs to make it work?


namespace interfaceWebnav
    public interface IPortableInterface
        object Test();


using interfaceWebnav;

namespace ComprarMusicas
    public class MediaService : Java.Lang.Object, IPortableInterface
        public object Test()
            //do something


using interfaceWebnav;

[assembly: Dependency(typeof(IPortableInterface))]
namespace MyApp.Droid
     [Activity(Label = "Comprar Músicas", Icon = "@mipmap/icon", Theme = "@style/MainTheme", MainLauncher = true, NoHistory = true,ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.ScreenSize | ConfigChanges.Orientation)]
    public class MainActivity :  global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
            LoadApplication(new App());

    public override void OnBackPressed()
        // here I need to know what SomeMethod() from MainPage.xaml.cs is saying


MainPage.xaml.cs (I commented out some of my tries of make it work):

using Xamarin.Forms;
// using interfaceWebnav;

// [assembly: Dependency(typeof(IPortableInterface))]

namespace MyApp
    public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
        public MainPage()

    void SomeMethod(object sender, EventArgs e)
        object resultado = DependencyService.Get<IPortableInterface>().Test();

At MainPage.xaml.cs, visual studio says about SomeMethod: "A namespace can't contain members as fields or methods directly."

About "Get IPortableInterface" it says:

"The name of type or namespace IPortableInterface can't be find(are you missing an using directive or an assembly referency?)"

Add Class says MediaService.cs in your android project inherit it from IPortableInterface

public class MediaService : Java.Lang.Object, IPortableInterface
    public void Test()
        // your android platform specific implementation


In the MainPage.cs file your invoking dependency service

namespace MyApp
    public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
        public bool foo = true; //just an example

        public MainPage()
    //I suppose invoking any event lets says button click calling interface dependency service of android project
    void Button_Clicked(object sender,EventArgs e)
        object resultado = DependencyService.Get<IPortableInterface>().Test();


I hope this will help you

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