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converting edgelist to two-mode network matrix

HAVE is an edge-list for an odd two mode network. People in actor are major award-winning actors; people in supporter are other actors who performed in one or more films as a supporting role. Note: actor includes some members of supporter but not all, which is why I am treating this as two-mode data.

index   actor   supporter   films
1       f1      f4          2
2       f1      f2          1
3       f1      f7          6
4       f1      f5          5
5       f2      f6          6
6       f2      f3          3
7       f3      f1          9
8       f3      f4          1
9       f3      f2          4

WANT is a two-mode adjacency matrix made from HAVE - row names represent all ids in actor ; column names include every name in both actor and supporter .

    f1  f2  f3  f4  f5  f6  f7
f1  0   1   0   2   5   0   6
f2  0   0   3   0   0   6   0
f3  9   4   0   1   0   0   0

How do I transform HAVE to WANT ? This process is complicated by the fact that (a) each mode has ids with an identical naming scheme and (b) asymmetry (eg, f2 led and f1 supported once, but f1 never led in a film where f2 supported).

I think you can just use your favorite reshape r function:

dat <- read.table(text ="index   actor   supporter   films
1       f1      f4          2
2       f1      f2          1
3       f1      f7          6
4       f1      f5          5
5       f2      f6          6
6       f2      f3          3
7       f3      f1          9
8       f3      f4          1
9       f3      f2          4", header=TRUE)

adj <- reshape(dat[,-1], v.names = "films", idvar = "actor", 
               timevar = "supporter", direction = "wide")
adj[is.na(adj)] <- 0
#   actor films.f1 films.f2 films.f3 films.f4 films.f5 films.f6 films.f7
# 1    f1        0        1        0        2        5        0        6
# 5    f2        0        0        3        0        0        6        0
# 7    f3        9        4        0        1        0        0        0

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