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Ansible 2.6: Is there a way to reference the playbook's name in a role task?

Given a playbook like this:

- name: "Tasks for service XYZ"
  hosts: apiservers
    - { role: common }

Is there a way to reference the playbook's name ("Tasks for service XYZ")? (ie a variable)


My intention is to be able to reference the playbook's name in a role task, ie sending a msg via slack like

- name: "Send Slack notification indicating deploy has started"
    channel: '#project-deploy'
    token: '{{ slack_token }}'
    msg: '*Deploy started* to _{{ inventory_hostname }}_ of `{{ PLAYBOOK_NAME }}` version *{{ service_version }}*'
  delegate_to: localhost
  tags: deploy

It was added in 2.8 :

The name of the currently executed play. Added in 2.8 .

No, the special variables for Ansible are documented here , and you can see that there is no variable to return the playbook name.

As mentioned in the comments, however, you can always do this:

- name: "{{ task_name }}"
  hosts: localhost
    task_name: "Tasks for service XYZ"
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ task_name }}"

From your circumstances, it looks like you only want this for audit/notification purposes? In that case (and assuming unixy clients), using

lookup('file', '/proc/self/cmdline') | regex_replace('\u0000',' ')

will give you the entire command line that ansible-playbook was called with, parameters and all, which would include the playbook name. Depending on your circumstances, that might be a useful enough tradeoff.

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