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How do I do a create table query with Eloquent outside of Laravel?

We're using Eloquent without Laravel (long story) for an app we're working on and everything is going fine but we've hit a small snag when trying to dynamically create tables from within the app.

The app is basically a ticket tracking and management system and each upon submission of the user-end form an entry is made in our tickets table with a field of uuid . This field corresponds to a table with the name of that same uuid ( f46ffeec091c4b9d9f406d65a50ab9e6 , for example). That table in the database that has more complete details and more fields relating to the ticket.

I've tried a LOT of different variations now but anytime I try to run something like

Capsule::query("CREATE TABLE `$uuid` LIKE `tickettable`");

We get a successful return (well- no errors, at least) but the table doesn't actually get created. We've tried with defined class names instead of Capsule , using Schema , running it within another class ( ClassName::query(...); ), $table = new Class(); $table->query(...); $table = new Class(); $table->query(...); ... Nothing seems to be working.

Running something like Schema::create($uuid, function(Blueprint $table){...}); completely fails.

Running Capsule seems to be the closest to working but still no dice. Any thoughts?

Use this:

Capsule::schema()->create($uuid, function(Blueprint $table) {

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