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smooth recursive transition in D3

I've created a simple transition which recalls itself at the end. Why is it jerky and how can it be made smooth? (jsfiddle here )

    var circle = svg.append('circle')


    function go() {
        var c=svg.select("circle");


It's because by default the transition easing function is not linear, but easeCubic . Setting the easing function to linear fixes the issue:

    function go() {
        var c=svg.select("circle");
        .ease(d3.easeLinear) // <-- THIS WAS ADDED

From the d3-transition docs :

If an easing function is not specified, it defaults to d3.easeCubic.

Why it stutters is because when using easeCubic , the object starts moving slowly and stops slowly. You can visualize the easing effect here: https://easings.net/#easeInOutCubic

FIXED DEMO (with linear easing)

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