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Kotlin abstract generic with ProGuard

I have the following base class:

abstract class BaseFragment<T : BaseViewModel> : Fragment(), JobHolder {
    protected lateinit var viewModel: T
        private set

    protected fun provideViewModel(type: Class<T>) {
        viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(type)

and the following class:

class SubjectEditor : BaseFragment<SubjectEditorViewModel>() {
    override fun onAttach(context: Context?) {

But ProGuard is complaining:

Warning: cz.x.ui.subjects.SubjectEditor: can't find referenced method 'void setViewModel(cz.x.ui.BaseViewModel)' in program class cz.x.ui.subjects.SubjectEditor

I tried some -keep rules for ProGuard, but nothing worked. What's the correct solution?

I guess you want it not to be obfuscated, so in that case you should keep the methods in the abstract class:

-keep public class {path to your class}.BaseFragment{
   private <methods>;

There's a really usefull ProguardGuide in this link After reading it you should be more confident on which rules you should use.

I hope it helps, otherwise let me know!

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