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allow only one checkbox to be checked in angular Material

I am using Angular 6 and angular material data-table with checkbox I want to select one checkbox at one time.

Mat checkbox I am using as a checkbox.

the only one can show selected checked and previous one unchecked.

<span *ngIf="key.data == 'check'">
    <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let row ; let i = index;">
       <mat-checkbox (click)="checkBoxSelected(row, i)"></mat-checkbox>

How to i hendle in typescipt so


If I selected Both it allows me to do


*but i want to select only one at a time so if you have an idea or you want to idea what check here like *

 For selecting only one checkbox at one time, you can make changes in your code like this: 

<tr *ngFor="let item of managerList;let i = index"> 
                            <td scope="row">
                             <div class="media align-items-center">
  <mat-checkbox [disabled]="isDisabled" [checked]="selected === i" (change)="selected 
  =i" id="{{item.id}}" #checkbox="matCheckbox"  (click)="getrecord(checkbox,element)"> {{item.fullName}} </mat-checkbox> 

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