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document.removeEventListener javascript

How can I remove this type of listener?

document.addEventListener("onSomething", function(){
  //Do something

when try to remove return number argument exception, way a function in second parameter but i not have a function.


You need to make a reference to the function in order to remove it. So pull it out into a function so you can remove it.

var thisThing = function(){
  //Do something

document.addEventListener("onSomething", thisThing);
document.removeEventListener("onSomething", thisThing);

You need to declare a function in order to remove it. This is because you need to reference it upon removal so that the browser can recognize which event to remove.

This will not work:

btn.addEventListener("click", function() { alert("clicked") });
btn.removeEventListener("click", function() { alert("clicked") });

because there is no reference to the function. Each function is unique, even if they have the same code within them.

If you declare a function you can store a reference to that function, and then remove it:

function clickEvent() {
btn.addEventListener("click", clickEvent);
btn.removeEventListener("click", clickEvent);

Here's an example:

 let $ = document.querySelector.bind(document), btn = $("#b1"), add = $("#b2"), remove = $("#b3"); function clickEvent() { alert("click"); } btn.addEventListener("click", clickEvent); remove.addEventListener("click", function() { btn.removeEventListener("click", clickEvent); alert("event removed!"); }); add.addEventListener("click", function() { btn.addEventListener("click", clickEvent); alert("event added!"); }); 
 <button id="b1">click me</button> <p/> <button id="b2">Add Event Listener</button> <button id="b3">Remove Event Listener</button> 

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