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Angular App as client app for an Org of Hyperledger Fabric

I am new to Hyperledger. I am using Hyperledger Fabric and defined my network, installed and instantiated the chaincode over peers.

Could someone share their thoughts on:

What should be the steps to create client app for each organization in the network? What is the required configurations at client side? Is there a sample example available?

Note: I can't use composer.

You can use Hyperledger Fabric SDKs create your client app, SDKs are available in various programming languages. you can find supported languages here , you can create your APIs using these SDKs as per your requirement and call it from your Angular App, To get started with you can refer into sample apps provided by the Hyperledger fabric here

There's an interesting example available under fabric-samples GitHub repository opn how to interact with already-created network (w/o manually creating channels, peers etc.). The idea behind this fabcar is stored in query and invoke methods that interact with the ledger using chaincode.

You could eg develop an express.js application to create a REST API to interact with the network using the NodeJS SDK for Hyperledger. I've tried that approach and it works just fine - with my network being started using different scripts (modified byfn.sh ), the client application is only responsible for querying/recording data to the ledger, w/o any explicit actions taken to network itself. All you have to do is to create and enroll admin and user accounts to be able to call chaincode and you are all set.

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