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Angular6 auth0/angular2-jwt isTokenExpired function always return false if we valid Token

I'm using auth0/angular2-jwt pakage for handling JWT Token Based authentication in Angular6 Application. if we gave valid token isTokenExpired function always returns false

The below code i have tried:

   localStorage.setItem('id_token', response['token']);
   const helper = new JwtHelperService();


        private http: Http,
        private helper: JwtHelperService
    ) {

public handleResponse(response: Response){
    localStorage.setItem('id_token', response['token']);  


i have tried above two methods its always return false

Thanks in Advance.

You should use { tokenNotExpired } 'angular2-jwt'; You will need following implementation:

Inside your app.module.ts

import { tokenNotExpired } from 'angular2-jwt';

      providers: [
       { provide: 'tokenNotExpired', useValue: tokenNotExpired }, 


and Inside your service where you need to check if toker is expired or not:

constructor( @Inject('tokenNotExpired') private tokenNotExpired)

    return this.tokenNotExpired(idToken);

Use tokenNotExpired('id_token')

The link below might help. Good luck.


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