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Excel VBA, Slicer - How to select 1 item out of a thousand items in excel slicer using vba?

Let's imagine that we have a slicer with over 1000 items and it keeps growing every day. I'm looking for a solution that I can select only 1 item out of a thousand without scrolling and finding my desired item. The way I see this is like a toggle, where you can turn ON/OFF for a particular item. When you Turn ON - Only that item is selected; when you turn OFF - Slicer filter is cleared.

I tried to record the macro but it will be a thousand lines of code where the slicer items are triggered either True or False, which I don't think will work given that the list is growing everyday.

Thank you for your supports!


May be bellow code is useful, also can you give an example.

Sub TestFilter()
    Const FilterCol1 = 4 '........... Your target column
    Const Criteria1 = "something" '.. Your target value
    Dim LastRow As Integer
    Dim LastCol As String

    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0

    With ActiveSheet
        LastRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
        LastCol = Split(.Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Address, "$")(1)
        .Range("A1" & ":" & LastCol & LastRow).AutoFilter field:=FilterCol1, Criteria1:=Criteria1
    End With
End Sub

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