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Asp.Net MVC overriding Class CSS

I have an H1 tag and inside that, there is anchor tag which is generating from the code

<div class=".slide-title">
    @RenderLinkTracking(m => m.btn, Model.bTnTitle)    

The RenderLinkTracking creates anchor tag

<a href="/home/" data-id="Image Title<">Image Title</a>

CSS of the anchor tag is

.slide-title a
color : red;

I am trying to override the CSS of the anchor tag. This is how I am doing and working fine

@if (Model.Param.H1CSS!= null)
.slide-title a

The method Html.RenderCSSAndJSAttributes is generating a style color:#001595 !important;font-family:Book Antiqua !important;Text-align:10px;Text-align:Center Is there any better way to override the class CSS or append the inline CSS using jquery? Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Change custom helper could look like this:

namespace System.Web.Mvc {
    public static class HtmlHelperExtensions {
        public static MvcHtmlString RenderLinkTracking(this HtmlHelper helper, string url, string linkText, string style) {
            return MvcHtmlString.Create(String.Format("<a href='{0}' style='{1}'>{2}</a>", url, style, linkText));

So You can pass style for each custom link like this:

<div class=".slide-title">
    @RenderLinkTracking(m => m.btn,Model.yourUrl, Model.bTnTitle, Model.Param.H1CSS)    

Simple Solution is by creating another CSS Style for the anchor hierarchy .slide-title h1 a

 .slide-title a { color:#001595!important; } .slide-title h1 a { color: green!important; } 
 <div class="slide-title"> <h1> <a href="/home/" data-id="Image Title<">H1 Anchor</a> </h1> <a href="/home/" data-id="Image Title<">Simple Anchor</a> </div> 

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