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particular query not running in php on Godaddy hosting

I am trying to run Insert query on my php page but its not executing and takes me to else part. I have checked query on MySQL its fine. Also I have couple of select queries on the same page, and those works fine. So I am sure there is no issue with the connection or accessing DB. Heres my code:

 include './db_config.php';

 if ((!isset($_SESSION['first_name']) == true)) {
$logged = $_SESSION['first_name'];

 if ((!isset($_SESSION['id']) == true)) {
$id = $_SESSION['id']; 

if ((!isset($_SESSION['email']) == true)) {
$email= $_SESSION['email'];  

$query1 = "select * from user_master where id='$id'";
$result1 = mysqli_query($con, $query1);
$num1 = mysqli_num_rows($result1);
if ($num1 > 0) {
  while ($data = $result1->fetch_assoc()) {
    $branch_name = $data['branch_name'];


$select="insert into meter(cust_id,meter_no,lock_no,customer_name,customer_type,customer_zone,status,phoneno,city,address,houseno,ownership,landmark,opening_reading,opening_reading_date,created_on,branch_name,created_by,email)
            if ($r = mysqli_query($con, $select)) {
            else {
                echo '<script language="javascript">';
                echo 'alert("Information Not Inserted!!!");';
                //echo 'window.location.href="bill_generation.php";';
                echo '</script>';



I have Checked on Godaddy HERE that one need just Localhost as host name. I know I have pasted a long piece of code, however dont know where the issue is.

You have a typo at the end of your code.

if ($r = mysqli_query($con, $select)) {
    echo 'data inserted successfully !';
    // do something ?
} // this one is missing 
else {
    echo '<script language="javascript">';
    echo 'alert("Information Not Inserted!!!");';
    //echo 'window.location.href="bill_generation.php";';
    echo '</script>';


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