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Xamarin.Forms MVVM getting responce from DIsplayAlert

How to work with DisplayAlert() correctly from MVVM view?

I have some screen and ViewModel for it. Inside the ViewModel I defined some Actions :

class PageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public Action DisplayDataSavedPromt;
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate { };

    public ICommand SaveCommand { protected set; get; }

    public PageViewModel()
        SaveCommand = new Command(OnSubmit);

    public void OnSubmit()


And then I'm calling it from View Page.cs :

public Page ()
    var vm = new PageViewModel();
    this.BindingContext = vm;
    vm.DisplayDataSavedPromt += () => DisplayAlert("Success", "Your data are saved", "OK");
    InitializeComponent ();

And it's working fine, but I can't understand how can I bind some actions to this Alert's buttons? Eg when user clicks OK inside Alert, open new page.

Should I do it inside ViewModel somehow or inside View?

You can try this in your view model

var res = await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Success", "Your data are saved", "Ok", "Cancel");

if(res){//logic} else {//logic}

You need to await the user action, and then parse the result, like this:

var result = await DisplayAlert("Success", "Your data are saved", "Ok", "Cancel"); 

//User pressed OK
if(result == true) 
    // do your logic
else // User pressed Cancel
    // do your logic

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