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Powershell Validate Range Parameter Error

I have a script that automates Windows USMT backups but I am running into an issue with Powershell 2.0. Basically I have a script parameter that requires a positive integer and the validation works in Powershell 3.0+ but not in 2.0, which ships in Windows 7.

Parameter Code:

Param (
        if( -Not ($_ | Test-Path) ){
            throw "File or folder does not exist"
        if($_ | Test-Path -PathType Leaf){
            throw "The Path argument must be a folder. file paths are not allowed."
        if( -not (($_ | Get-ChildItem | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) ) {
            throw "The Folder '$_' Has Content/Files! USMT will not run against a non-empty backup folder!!"
        return $true


    [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)][int]$UEL

The Error: 在此处输入图片说明

So my question is how do I fix this to work correctly in Powershell 2.0? The goal is for the $UEL parameter to only accept a positive Integer.

Full Script

Here 2 workarounds from the comments (thanks @TheIncorrigible for the recommendations):

    if ($_ -eq 0) {
        throw "UEL requires a positive integer greater then 0!"
    return $true


 [ValidateRange(1, 2147483647)][int]$UEL

Not as clean as using [int]::MaxValue but it gets the job done.

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