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selenium and python click element in a dropdown

still new to selenium, xpath works great most of time , but not with the drop down in this case, of selecting a element from a drop down box:

the xpath of the box is:


I get the browser to click it, now it shows a dropdown of options, now I want to select the element "title" APP 7.08 from the list.

xpath wont work , as it just shows the container


element to be selected is as follows:

<span class="select2-selection__rendered" id="select2-report_object-container" title="APP 7.08">APP 7.08</span>

tag name wont work, link name either , also tried with id and then the title value


no such element: Unable to locate element

I also tried

selenium.select('//*[@id="select2-report_object-container"]' , title="APP 7.08";

no luck .

I feel like I need to add a second argument to the initial xpath or ID but not sure what to use to call the value of APP 7.08 from the span.

 <span class="select2-selection__rendered" id="select2-report_object-container" title="APP 7.08">APP 7.08</span>

can anyone help ?

I assume you know which option you are going to select, so you can use visible text or value to get it done.

select = Select(driver.find_element_by_id('select2-report_object-container'))

# select by visible text

# select by value 

You can try below code :-

 select= select(driver.find_element_by_name('location')) 
    select.select_by_value(17) or
 select.select_by_visible_text('APP 7.08') 

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