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React-Native 0.57: 'Can't find variable: require' with metro-react-native-babel-preset

I started a multiplatform project with code sharing between react-native and react-js. So I have a webpack setup for browser/Electron, and a react-native 0.57 setup for Android/iOS. The problem I'm having right now is the following: Can't find variable: require

It might be a very bald question, but do I need anything else? I read, that React-native should support require by itself, but couldn't find anything related to this setup yet.

.babelrc {"presets": ["module:metro-react-native-babel-preset"]}

I'm also using @babel/polyfill and @babel/runtime on browser side, but I wonder if they would interfere.

得到了解决方案,我的.babelrc还可以,但是打包器缓存了第一个错误的解压缩程序,因此我不得不启动打包程序: react-native start --reset-cache

After looking at below github issue it looks like the issue is caused by corejs option @babel/plugin-transform-runtime, So replace it by @babel/polyfil


.babelrc config for ref

  "presets": [
  "plugins": [
        "root": [
        "alias": {
           "app": "./src",
          "assets": "./assets"
    "alias": {
      "app": "./src"


    "legacy": true
    "loose": false



     "sourceMaps": true

Install Babel polyfill 7 "@babel/polyfill": "^7.0.0"

And import that in App component

  import '@babel/polyfill'

似乎react-native start --reset-cache起作用。

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