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How can I change the value that is connected to select change in dynamic form using jquery?

I was trying to make a form, which has two elements, one select item and one input price, select option are stored in database, so I retrieve it and display it.

User can add new row with same elements when button add is clicked, when the select option is changed, I am using ajax to get the price from database and displayed it in the text input.

It all worked fine with the first row but when user add new row I cannot retrieve the price and get the following message

"the specified value "NaN" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\\d+|\\d+.\\d+|.\\d+)([eE][-+]?\\d+)?"

How can I solve this problem or is there is another way to change the value of input using the row id

<table id="tab_logic">
    <tr id='row0'>
            <select class="form-control item" name="item[]" required>
                $items = "SELECT itemCode, itemName FROM items";
                $itemslist = $conn->query($items);
                while($row = $itemslist->fetch_assoc()) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $row["itemCode"] . "'>" . $row["itemName"]. "</option>" ;
            <input type="text" name='price[]' class="form-control price" required/>
    <tr id='row1'></tr>
<button id="add_row" class="btn btn-default">Add Row</button>


function get_price(sel, item) 
        type: "POST",
        url : "getData.php",
        data: {itemCode: sel },
        success: function(data) {

    //add new row when add buttomn clicked 
    var i = 1;

        var a = i-1;

        $('#row' + i).html( $('#row' + a).html() )
        $('#tab_logic').append('<tr id="row' + (i+1) + '"></tr>');

    //when selected item change get parent and call function 
    $('#tab_logic select').on('change', function() {
        var item = $(this).parent().parent();

        get_price(this.value, item);




    <select class="form-control item" name="item[]" onclick="get_price(this.value,$(this).parent().parent());" id='1' required>

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