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How can I check more than two values with <condition>?<if true>:<if false>?

How can I check more than one case and assign based on that?

I have:

str[1] = (Setting.DBL(this.fieldTxt3.Tag.ToString()) == 1000 ? Setting.IP2 : Setting.IP4);
str[3] = (Setting.DBL(this.fieldTxt3.Tag.ToString()) == 1000 ? "TBSS2" : "TBSS4");

But I want something more like:

str[1] = (Setting.DBL(this.fieldTxt3.Tag.ToString()) >= 3000 ? Setting.IP5 : Setting.IP4 : <additional options>);   
str[3] = (Setting.DBL(this.fieldTxt3.Tag.ToString()) == 1000 ? "TBSS2" : "TBSS4" : <additional options>);

The feature you want is called "match expressions" and it has not been added to C# yet. It likely will be in a future version. See the roslyn github forum for details.

The syntax is proposed to be something like:

 double area = someShape switch (
    case Line line: 0,
    case Rectangle r: r.Width * r.Height,
    case Circle c: Math.PI * c.Radius * c.Radius,
    case *: throw new ApplicationException()

Where we are saying here "switch on someShape; if it is a line, its area is zero..." and so on.

Until that happens, use if statements.

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