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Google Cloud Platform Pub/Sub push empty POST data

When I try to send a message in the cloud platform GUI (ie topic -> publish message on the cloud platform topic page ) my endpoint PHP script is triggered, but the POST data is empty.

So all the permissions and domain verifications are in place. The topic and subscription both seem to be correct.

I found this same question here but


did nothing. I also tried

$content = null;
foreach( $_POST as $k => $v ){
// Just to see what any possible data might be
    $content .= "Key: $k, Value: $v\n";
$file = fopen( __DIR__ . '/log.txt', 'w') or die( 'Unable to open file!' );
fwrite( $file, $content );
fclose( $file );

in the push endpoint URL. Same thing. Empty. So it seems that the POST body is empty and I can't figure out why. Can anyone help point me in the right direction?

$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA was removed in PHP7 even in earlier verisons, it required always_populate_raw_post_data in php.ini. As the answer you linked says, $_POST will not work.

Instead use:


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