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how to convert my html div to canvas without using html2canvas?

i need to convert my html div to canvas and i am using html2canvas right now but it only captures the visible part of the window. i mean to say it is not capture the whole dive which has horizontal scroll.

So is there any way to capture whole div with horizontal scroll or any suggestion in html2canvas for the same.

here is the code i used

var element = document.getElementsByClassName('ppm_portlet_data');

    html2canvas(element[0], { width: element[0].offsetWidth, height: element[0].offsetHeight }).then(function (canvas) {
            console.log(canvas.width, canvas.height);

You have to use scrollWidth & scrollHeight and set overflow: visible; in order to get content that is not visible.

Working Example

const div = document.querySelector('#content');
div.innerText = div.innerText.split(' ').join(''); // just for overflowing content

div.addEventListener('click', event => {
    html2canvas(div, { width: div.scrollWidth, height: div.scrollHeight }).then(canvas => {
        console.log(canvas.width, canvas.height); // outputs greater width than browser width
#content {
    overflow: visible; /* make overflow visible to capture */
    word-wrap: nowrap;
    <div id='content'>
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  <script type="text/javascript" src='https://html2canvas.hertzen.com/dist/html2canvas.min.js'></script>

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