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Need help to make a event handler to work properly in react js

I need to make this logic to be executed every time when input field value is changed:

  let warningMessage = ''

  if (stateData) {
    let list = []
    if (props.values.injured_worker_type === 'Seasonal') {
      list = stateData.calculation_warnings['Seasonal']
    } else {
      list = stateData.calculation_warnings[`FullTime-${props.values.working_days}`]

    const keys = _.keys(list)
    const index = _.findIndex(keys, key => {
      const fromValue = Number(key.slice(1, key.indexOf('-')))
      const toValue = Number(key.slice(key.indexOf('-') + 1, key.length))
      return props.values.total_days_paid >= fromValue && props.values.total_days_paid < toValue

    if (index >= 0) {
      warningMessage = list[keys[index]]

  const message = warningMessage ? (
    <p style={{ color: 'red', fontSize: '0.85rem' }}> {warningMessage} </p>
  ) : null

And pass downthis messeage to be outputed as result of this logic:

  const message = warningMessage ? (
   <p style={{ color: 'red', fontSize: '0.85rem' }}> {warningMessage} </p>
  ) : null

Here is JSX(html) part when I have that input field:

 return (
  <Form.Group grouped style={{ marginTop: '2rem' }}>
    <label style={{ fontSize: '0.85rem' }}>8. Total days in preceeding 52 weeks:</label>

 {/* THIS messeage is result of that logic which I need to 
     be executed every time on changed input */}

) }

Here is not working version of code in stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-tpk1ik

How I can make this to works?

The code in your example doesn't help much because it has errors and even when I install the missing dependencies it outputs nothing, but just from reading it I can see an issue.

The logic you want to execute when the input value changes needs to go inside the handleChange method you are trying to call here onChange={this.handleChange} .

For reference, these type of input fields are called Controled Components and you can read more about them in the React Documentation .

You code is not up to the mark. You are doing many mistakes in your code.

I have corrected all your code and here is the working solution of handler function https://react-t3luq3.stackblitz.io .


import React from 'react'
import ReactDom from "react-dom";
import Hello from './Hello';

ReactDom.render(<Hello />, document.getElementById("root")); 


import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react'
import { Form } from 'semantic-ui-react'
import _ from 'lodash'

export default class Hello extends Component{

  handleChange = e => {

  const { stateData } = this.props;

  let warningMessage = ''

  if (stateData) {
    let list = []
    if (props.values.injured_worker_type === 'Seasonal') {
      list = stateData.calculation_warnings['Seasonal']
    } else {
      list = stateData.calculation_warnings[`FullTime-${props.values.working_days}`]

    const keys = _.keys(list)
    const index = _.findIndex(keys, key => {
      const fromValue = Number(key.slice(1, key.indexOf('-')))
      const toValue = Number(key.slice(key.indexOf('-') + 1, key.length))
      return props.values.total_days_paid >= fromValue && props.values.total_days_paid < toValue

    if (index >= 0) {
      warningMessage = list[keys[index]]

  const message = warningMessage ? (
    <p style={{ color: 'red', fontSize: '0.85rem' }}> {warningMessage} </p>
  ) : null
  return (
      <Form.Group grouped style={{ marginTop: '2rem' }}>
        <label style={{ fontSize: '0.85rem' }}>8. Total days in preceeding 52 weeks:</label>


    <div id="root"></div>

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