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Vim disable make on insert mode exit

I'm using yats ( https://github.com/HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim ) for typescript, it sets the makeprg variable, which makes it so vim runs make everytime I make a change to a file. I would like to somehow disable this, as I prefer a linter manager (ALE), which can compile and also lint. Is there something I can do about that localy or does yats need an option to disable the setting of makeprg ?

EDIT: The accepted answer doesn't provide actual solution to my specific problem, but the explanation of makeprg guided me in the right direction, which was other plugins. I traced the problem back to YouCompleteMe.

it sets the makeprg variable, which makes it so vim runs make everytime I make a change to a file.

No, makeprg only defines what external command to run when you or a plugin does :make .

Furthermore, I couldn't find anything in that plugin that would run :make on write or on any other event. The command below will hopefully help you find where that automatic make comes from:

:verbose autocmd BufWritePost

See :help :verbose , :help :autocmd , :help BufWritePost .

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