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How to do a full join in Laravel Eloquent?

给定两个表 t1 和 t2 在 laravel eloquent 中,如何执行完全连接?

If you were using MySQL.

MySQL has no inbuilt support for full outer join.

But you can use the code like this below to achieve that.

$table2 = DB::table('t2')
         ->rightJoin('t1', 't1.id', '=', 't2.t1_id')

$table1 = DB::table('t1')
        ->leftJoin('t2', 't1.id', '=', 't2.t1_id')

Most of query builder join functions have an optional argument called $type ='inner'
so if you database supports full join (eg: postgres) just pass "full" as the $type parameter

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